Labels:bulletin board | daily | gazette | poster | sky OCR: in their view the case saying that the Gateway perm anently closed has ope ned once again Shoresby goes off on his pe h aps for the last 0 wn to visit the castle time. She demands that Ravenshim, in the com they meet, face- to face, pany of his aunt Myra. the Chamber, and some- Sh hows him old how stop Caine. news pa per clipping thai helps him locate an above ground entrance the Chamber He can ove the rocks covering but sees signs of recent activ- ity on the site. Two pieces of mail arrive from Write EPG Multimedia Dr. Dorrel, disturbing. epgmedia@halcyon. .com D re ms nev to have of one Visit The Cypher named Connel lv Anot ther on the Vorid Vide eb message from Ciaran ur- http /www 2launch com gently requests meeting /cypher /CYPHER HTMI nently ring clairs anyone Conne